SARA can provide you with…

Counselling + Support

SARA’s offices in Mission and Abbotsford are places where women can come for support and access to a variety of programs and services. Outreach, counselling, and referral are delivered one-on-one or in group sessions for women and their children.

Stopping the Violence Counselling (STV)

Stopping the Violence counselling is for any woman who has experienced violence, abuse, and/or trauma in her life.  Some of the women seeking STV counselling services may have experienced:

  • a single recent incident of physical or sexual violence

  • prolonged physical, psychological, emotional, sexual, verbal or financial abuse

  • long-term effects of childhood abuse.

For further inquiries, please contact:

Women’s Support Groups

Groups provide psycho-education and support to women who have experienced various forms of trauma and/or abuse in relationships.  Women have the opportunity to:

  • network and connect with other women

  • have a greater understanding of the complexities of their experiences

  • shift responsibility for the abuse to the abuser

  • understand the societal context for violence against women

  • discover personal strengths

  • experience empowerment.

Individual and group counselling are provided at no cost for women.

PEACE Program for Children and Youth Experiencing Violence

Prevention, Education, Advocacy, Counselling and Empowerment

The PEACE program provides a safe and supportive environment for children and youth ages 4-18, who have had exposure to violence, abuse and or trauma. Children must be living away from the abusive person. The program provides:

  • short term education about violence, abuse, and or trauma

  • individual and group counselling for children and youth

  • parental education and support groups for caregivers.

Children and youth are provided with education and information regarding:

  • abuse, personal rights, responsibilities, and safety

  • appropriate management of feelings

  • how they are not alone

  • breaking the intergenerational cycle of abuse

  • building self-esteem

  • teaching non-violent ways of resolving conflict

  • and that abuse is never their fault.